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Mannequin-based patient simulators

Virtual simulation environments

CALIFIA® in the Cloud – BETA

Mannequin-based patient simulators

Virtual simulation environments

CALIFIA® in the Cloud – BETA

Find Us at Imsh 2024 in San Diego, Booth #118

BioMed Simulation is the leader in high-fidelity simulation Technology and Training & Education for cardiac surgery and ECLS clinicians facilitating the best possible standards of care and patient outcomes.

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The CALIFIA® Family of Products

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CALIFIA® Patient Module

This dynamic training environment not only helps troubleshoot issues but also prepares medical professionals to adapt quickly and effectively during critical situations. The hands-on experience gained through these simulations is invaluable, contributing to the development of clinicians’ skills and enhancing their ability to manage unforeseen challenges in a controlled setting.

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CALIFIA® Lung Simulator

The CALIFIA® lung simulator system is designed to simulate a patient’s lungs. It can be used as a standalone simulation device to simulate challenging ventilator dependent patients or used in conjunction with CALIFIA® itself to provide complete ECMO or VAD simulations. Additionally, this device can be used in conjunction with an anesthesia machine in the OR.

Beating Heart

The Beating Heart Attachment

The Beating Heart Attachment features a specialized balloon designed for insertion into synthetic or biological hearts. Controlled by the CALIFIA® software, the balloon effectively regulates heart rate and cardiac contractility, providing a realistic simulation for teaching various operative techniques, including cannulation for cardiopulmonary bypass.

Learn more about the CALIFIA® Family of Products by accessing our 2024 product guide.

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BioMed Simulation, Inc is an approved solution provider recognized by the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP), providing you and your team with case credits for fulfilling High Fidelity Perfusion Simulations.

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88% of Accredited Perfusion Education Programs in the U.S. use CALIFIA® CPB /ECMO simulators for training & competency assessment.

Ready to learn more about CALIFIA®?

Schedule a virtual demo by completing the form below.