The Benefits of Simulation Training in Cardiac Surgery
I’ve had the privilege to teach cardiac and thoracic surgery simulation for over 20yrs while witnessing the direct benefits not only to the residents but also to the educators who provide the instruction. The article by Arjomandi Rad and colleagues recognizes the important role of simulation training for cardiac surgery trainees and the various models that are available for our use. As technology evolves, we, the educators, should take advantage of better ways to instruct the next generation of surgeons and critical care clinicians.
Unlocking the Power of High-Fidelity ECMO Simulation for Team Training
Biomed Simulation has a high-fidelity ECMO Simulator, Califia, that attaches directly to an ECMO machine to enable true physiologic parameters and to function as a real-time patient.
Is your team utilizing a high-fidelity ECMO Simulator for your surgical training?
Shaping Global Standards: The Impact of the New Consensus on Simulation-Based Healthcare Practice
The groundbreaking work and publication by Diaz-Navarro and colleagues on healthcare simulation as a crucial pedagogical strategy is a game-changer. Their global consensus statement sets a strong foundation for educational endeavors in simulation.